Convention Reports

...are being added as received

District Almoner - Marilyn Skennerton

Lions passing to Higher Service in Lions District 105SC since our last Convention in March 2024

DG Team 

District Governor report for Convention April 2025 - DG Sandra Manktelow

VDG Dianne Hopkins

2VDG Tim Hanton

District Admin Team


GDPR - Steve Spencer 

District Secretary Report – PCC Peter Burnett

Convention Secretary Report - PCC Peter Burnett

As we draw to the final quarter of the Lions year it means that I have now nearly finished my 5th year as District Secretary. Despite my best endeavours to be fired thank you, DG Sandra, for allowing me to remain in post for another year. 

Foolishly I have agreed to remain in office for one more year but that will definitely be my last year.

Once again, the most important part of my report is to thank Lion Tom Sayers and his partner Juliet Browne for all their help this year. Most Cabinet officers have now got used to sending their reports to the dedicated reports email address from which Tom & Juliet collate them and publish them online for Cabinet. This saves me an awful lot of time sorting and sending reports and put the onus onto the officers to look for the reports rather than have them sent to them.

This year the meetings have been a combination of face to face and Zoom and my job as District Secretary taking the minutes has been quite easy. I pride myself on getting the minutes published within 30 minutes of a meeting ending!! I am not promising that this will occur with the Convention minutes as they are a bit more complex, but I would hope that they can be published as soon as DG Sandra has checked them and allows them to be published.

Thank you to all of Cabinet for their support and efficient reporting during the year. Likewise thank you to the overwhelming majority of clubs who reported their delegates for both this convention and the MD one on time. Now that we are in the fourth year of online registration for the District Convention and the third for MD convention things seem to have gone much more smoothly. Once again, my thanks to Tom and Juliet for all their hard work setting up a fool proof system.

Finally, can I remind clubs that as soon as they appoint their new officers for the 2025-26 year they will need reporting on myLCI. Can you also please let both myself and Tom Sayers know your officers so that we can keep the District Mailing lists up to date. Despite my request very few clubs actually did let the two of know last year which means that Tom has to go fishing through the portal finding information. It would be so much simpler if clubs let us know as requested.

District Treasurer Report – Dora Kan 

Finance Team - IPDG Dave Ebsworth

Insurance - Steve Spencer

Convention 2025 - IPDG Dave Ebsworth

Live at Convention

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